Monday, August 31, 2009

Just NO

I think it's possible my brain just exploded - Cheney for President, Wall St Journal Op-Ed says.

Don't even fucking joke about that. What if you give them ideas? Let's file that under the worst idea of the century. No, the millennium. There's nothing that could happen in the next thousand years that would be a worse idea than that. I joked about leaving the country when Bush was reelected, and how I would have to if McCain was elected, but if that happened I would be fucking gone. I think I might have nightmares tonight. Forget Darth Vader comparisons (although the barely alive, sustained by machine thing is apt), he's like fucking Palpatine. Pure evil. Can we say the end of life as we know it?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Can we put a limit on the celebrity deaths? This whole two in one day thing is starting to get really depressing.

Kennedy Dead At 77 (The Boston Globes obit)

Dominick Dunne Dead At 83 (Huffington Post)

I didn't really know anything about Ted Kennedy, aside from the whole Chappaquiddick thing. He's just someone that was always there. It's a bit odd to think that there is no longer a Kennedy in the
Senate (there's not is there? I'm not really up on Massachusetts politics). It feels like the end of an era. After reading everyone's thoughts today, I can say he definitely accomplished a lot as a Senator. I believe that you can still think that he was kind of a dick in his personal life, what with the drinking and whoring around and being a murder suspect, but that it's possible to still admire everything that he did away from all that, in his professional life. And I admire anyone who dedicates their entire life to a cause, and to champion tirelessly to ensure that people that are less fortunate have a better life. So, well played your whole professional life Ted Kennedy. I can honestly say that I don't think there will be another one like you.

*Cartoon belongs to creator Jeff Danziger.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Even I know that

Driving home from work yesterday I was behind a little old lady in a Caddy. She was going slow and there was traffic so I couldn't pass her. Therefore, I had plenty of time to study her bumper sticker -

Trust God's mother

Pray the rosary

Now, the only reason I have retained any knowledge of Catholicism is for mocking purposes (which this totally fits), but even I know that GOD DOESN'T HAVE A MOTHER. Get your fucking religion straight lady. Your bumper sticker should say 'Trust Jesus' mother'. How did this escape your notice? Also the notice of the people who made the bumper sticker, but maybe they were just fucking with you.

Continuing in my afternoon drive of weirdness, I stopped to get a sandwich and there were these two teenage girls in the parking lot sitting in a wee little cart, pulled by the tiniest pony I have ever seen. When they pulled into a space, the cart and pony took up less than half the parking space. And they were just riding around the parking lot and pulling into random spaces. WTF?